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Want to Save Money? Move Your Files out of That Storage Unit.

Bring them to our records storage facility in Lufkin, TX instead

Self-storage units are costly and don’t come with many benefits. But Security Shredding offers affordable records storage services and benefits like an inventory and a tracking system. Keep your documents secure without spending a fortune by bringing your files to our records storage facility in Lufkin, TX.

Some medical records need to be kept for years. If that’s true of the documents in your filing cabinets, arrange for records storage services. We can:

  • Pick up your documents at your convenience
  • Hold onto them until it’s time to dispose of them
  • Make sure you have easy access to your documents

When it’s time to purge your documents, we can do it at our warehouse. Call 936-637-2000 today to find out when we can bring your files to our records storage facility in Lufkin, TX.

We can also pick up your files

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